In the past, I used to think that getting into a relationship meant spending time with someone who is going to take care of you and love you unconditionally. Unfortunately, this is not always, how long-term relationships turn out. Sometimes, we choose wrong for ourselves and despite our efforts, things just do not work out as expected.

I had been in love with someone else. Everything seemed perfect. There was this magical feeling and connection, which I never felt before so I was convinced that we were meant to be together forever and I could finally find happiness. As time goes by, reality started to sink in and the truth so did the feelings of shame and disappointment.

I realize that I made mistakes and because of that, things just did not work out as expected. What attracted me to him at first was his kindness and how selfless he was but then slowly these traits degraded into his abuse of power and controlling nature.

He would get mad because I didn’t want to go out clubbing every night or if I wanted my own thoughts on something about our relationship rather than have his way all the time. He had an addiction to drugs and alcohol, which only intensified the chaos inside his head. I loved him with all my heart, but it just was not enough.
I tried so hard to please him that eventually he started seeing me as his personal assistant rather than his girlfriend, always demanding things for him at any hour of the day.

He’d get mad if I didn’t answer his texts immediately upon waking up, only to tell me that he was “just kidding” yet hours pass and he won’t mention it again. Tired of this endless routine of asking for forgiveness every time he mistreated me, I called it quits.

How Loving the Wrong Person Can be good: What I Learned

At one point in our lives, we all make mistakes. And the first mistake many of us make is trusting someone who ultimately does not deserve it. We invest time and love into this relationship but for some reason it does not work out the way, we envisioned it to be. This might seem like a mistake on your part, but if you are able to reflect back on these negative experiences with the intent of learning from them, it could actually be for the best. Here is why:

Your past relationships teach you about your personal needs and boundaries in a relationship.

You will learn what you want and do not want in a partner and how things must or must not be done. Without going through the process of loving the wrong person, you will never truly know what realistic expectations to have in a relationship.

Your past relationships can help you set better standards for your next one.

Having this experience makes it easier to recognize red flags and harmful behavior patterns, which ultimately helps you find someone who truly deserves your love and adoration. You might not know what you’re looking for but you’ll probably know when you see it.

The Pain of Love: The Power and Pain of Narcissistic Relationships

What comes to mind when you think about the phrase ‘the pain of love’? Is it something that you would want to experience? Perhaps not, but have you ever thought about how love can be a good thing sometimes even if it is painful?

Something that I tend to notice among friends during tough or hard times is how they use love as a source of inspiration. They say things like “I couldn’t imagine my life without him/her.”, or “I just need to keep on loving him/her.” This made me think about the idea that maybe some experiences are so painful that they can be positive for you in some way-and that might just be what love is.

The pain of love can come in many forms in terms of relationships, but the main idea I have noticed in my own life in regards to this subject is how it seems to manifest when someone you are close to or intimate with starts to become emotionally abusive during a fight.

This type of abuse can come in many forms, but it often feels like your partner is purposely pushing those emotional buttons because he/she wants to cause you pain. In a way, this can be something that happens with anyone-but perhaps what separates these types of relationships from the rest is how they are able to affect you as an individual after the fact.

Why Loving the Wrong Person is Sometimes a Better Option.

Loving the Right Person There are many reasons why you might love the wrong person. But there is a benefit to doing so if it means that you can learn from this painful experience.

In fact, one of the biggest benefits of loving the wrong person is that you finally get to see how someone treats you when they’re not in a relationship with you.

When you’re in love, it is easy to ignore the flaws of your partner. They might be emotionally unavailable. Their behavior or choices might not be healthy for you or for them. Their actions may not always align with their words. Your loving relationship might consume a lot of your time and energy that should instead be spent on other things that are important to you. But it is only when you are not in love anymore that these problems become glaringly obvious-and sometimes that can be much more helpful than if they were previously apparent to you.

Since learning about the flaws of someone who isn’t right for you might help prepare you for what’s to come, this also means that loving the wrong person might help you to see red flags with someone else.

How Loving the Wrong Person Can be good: What I Learned

At one point in our lives, we all make mistakes. And the first mistake many of us make is trusting someone who ultimately does not deserve it. We invest time and love into this relationship but for some reason it does not work out the way, we envisioned it to be. This might seem like a mistake on your part, but if you are able to reflect back on these negative experiences with the intent of learning from them, it could actually be for the best. Here is why:

Your past relationships teach you about your personal needs and boundaries in a relationship.

You will learn what you want and do not want in a partner and how things must or must not be done. Without going through the process of loving the wrong person, you will never truly know what realistic expectations to have in a relationship.

Your past relationships can help you set better standards for your next one.

Having this experience makes it easier to recognize red flags and harmful behavior patterns, which ultimately helps you find someone who truly deserves your love and adoration. You might not know what you’re looking for but you’ll probably know when you see it.

The Pain of Love: The Power and Pain of Narcissistic Relationships

What comes to mind when you think about the phrase ‘the pain of love’? Is it something that you would want to experience? Perhaps not, but have you ever thought about how love can be a good thing sometimes even if it is painful?

Something that I tend to notice among friends during tough or hard times is how they use love as a source of inspiration. They say things like “I couldn’t imagine my life without him/her.”, or “I just need to keep on loving him/her.” This made me think about the idea that maybe some experiences are so painful that they can be positive for you in some way-and that might just be what love is.

The pain of love can come in many forms in terms of relationships, but the main idea I have noticed in my own life in regards to this subject is how it seems to manifest when someone you are close to or intimate with starts to become emotionally abusive during a fight.

This type of abuse can come in many forms, but it often feels like your partner is purposely pushing those emotional buttons because he/she wants to cause you pain. In a way, this can be something that happens with anyone-but perhaps what separates these types of relationships from the rest is how they are able to affect you as an individual after the fact.

Why Loving the Wrong Person is Sometimes a Better Option.

Loving the Right Person There are many reasons why you might love the wrong person. But there is a benefit to doing so if it means that you can learn from this painful experience.

In fact, one of the biggest benefits of loving the wrong person is that you finally get to see how someone treats you when they’re not in a relationship with you.

When you’re in love, it is easy to ignore the flaws of your partner. They might be emotionally unavailable. Their behavior or choices might not be healthy for you or for them. Their actions may not always align with their words. Your loving relationship might consume a lot of your time and energy that should instead be spent on other things that are important to you. But it is only when you are not in love anymore that these problems become glaringly obvious-and sometimes that can be much more helpful than if they were previously apparent to you.

Since learning about the flaws of someone who isn’t right for you might help prepare you for what’s to come, this also means that loving the wrong person might help you to see red flags with someone else.


We often think of loving the wrong person as a mistake, but sometimes it’s for the best. There are many ways you can love someone that may not be right for you-and these relationships will give us experiences that we need to grow and learn from. This article explored some thoughts about how loving the wrong person could actually be good.

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