Work With Me

Does your life look full on the outside but feels empty on the inside? Don’t worry, I’ve been there and come out the other side.

The answer?  Finding and living your truth with the help of life strategy coach or a mindset coach, London, UK.


"Trust your instincts intuition doesn’t lie". - Oprah Winfrey

Life Strategy Coach

I help my clients live their best lives.

Coaching is about helping people to get from where they are now to where they want to be.

Mindset coaching helps clients to uncover the beliefs, blockers, behaviours, habits and patterns of thinking that prevent them from living the life or achieving the ambitions they desire.

I can help you do the same.

life strategy coach by Navigate Life Coach

Are You Ready?

I work with people who are serious about positive change. You don’t have to be serious (in fact, I welcome a bit of goofiness in my sessions). But you do need to be focused and committed to doing what you say you’re going to do.

If you are thinking about working together, you might like to speak with me first. I offer a range of services to suit a range of different transitions and goals. Have your questions ready and give me a call.

Once you decide to go ahead, select the coaching package that suits you best.

I will then contact you, we will arrange the date of your first session, and I will send you my Pre-Discovery Questionnaire, to complete and email back. It will give me a sense of where you are at and where you want to be. It will also help me get started on designing a brilliant strategy to get you there.

Are You Ready To Change?

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