Workplace Trauma Many of you might relate with me when I say I have been through a toxic workplace relationship. Yes. You heard me right. Workplace relationship. Work is very similar to personal human relationships in our lives. We spend a lot of time at work and for this reason, we cannot ignore the emotional and psychological stress that we go through during that time. If you are being constantly disrespected in your office, feel intimated about losing your job on the employer’s trivial reservations, are in a constant state of stress because of the way you are treated as an individual, or simply feel that your existence is of no value to your employer, then you on a path to workplace trauma. It is a continuous trauma that starts affecting your mental and emotional health. Over a period of time, it shatters your self-confidence and you start to question your own self-worth. It is a state of being micro-managed where your expertise is overshadowed by the overwhelming derogatory influence of your colleagues or supervisors. Workplace Trauma is Real All these and similar instances are red flags that help us recognize that workplace trauma is a real thing and not just a myth. It not only harms our mental health and psychological well-being but can lead to irreversible damage to our personalities in the long run. The good thing is, that all over the world people have started to recognize this issue. Now, more than ever people are aware of their boundaries and speak openly about the dangers that it may cause to the workers. Many of us, are even inspired to make a difference for those who suffer from workplace trauma every day and help them proactively to recover from such traumas. How to Recover from Workplace Trauma? Globally career or workplace trauma has been recognized as a mental injury. It may happen due to specific traumatic events like being ignored for a promotion or it may be the result of a constant act of bullying or harassment. Although it can be very hard, there are some measures you can take to help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible. 1. Make Yourself a Priority Ensure self-care and take out time from work to relax.Eat a healthy diet, ensure regular workouts, enjoy nature, spend time with the people you love, and get ample sleep. 2. Accept and Identify Your Trigger Points Accept that there is a career crisis and identify its reasons. Go to the root cause of why you are feeling stressed or what action or event is causing the trauma.It could include things like layoff threats, workplace violence, the death of a colleague, bullying by the employer, and harassment. 3. Set Your Boundaries We all have our thresholds. There should always be a limit to the stress you can take. Identify and set that limit. Let people around you know that you need to be treated with respect. Firmly make them realize what are your boundaries and what you deserve. Final Words The workplace is like our second home where we spend most of our time. It should be a place where employees are given opportunities to shine and feel safe. It should have a supportive environment to set a stage for progress and success, rather than pulling us down to mental deterioration.
7 Ways to Arrange Your Life to Support Your Goals
7 Ways to Arrange Your Life to Support Your Goals If you have huge goals, working on them here and there whenever it’s convenient will delay ever reaching those goals. If you arrange your life in such a way that supports those goals, however, all aspects of your life will be working together – complementing each other – with the realization of your goals as the result! Yes, arranging your life around your goals helps you create the exact life you want! Use these strategies to make it happen: 1. Define your goals: Know your goals. This is always the first step. Success isn’t an accident. It requires a vision and intention. ● Clarify exactly what you want to happen, in such a detailed way that you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel all aspects of that life. 2. People: Are the people in your life supportive of your goals? You have a choice to make. You can spend time with others that make you more likely to be able to live your purpose, or you can spend your time with those that make it less likely for you to live the life you truly want. ● Are there others you need to connect with in order to achieve your goals? Maybe it would help to have a banker or two in your life. Maybe a coach or a marketing expert would spur you on. Invite new people into your circle that will support your goals. ● You can only spend time with a certain number of people. As they say, you become like the people you spend the most time with. Are you spending time with the right people? 3. Diet: If you want to run a marathon, that’s a different diet than someone that wants to win a bodybuilding contest. Do you need a lot of energy, or do you need a lot of focus? What type of diet allows you to do your best work? ● Experiment with several diets and pay attention to how they impact you physically and mentally. 4. Sleep: What is the optimal amount of sleep for you? You might find that you can pursue your goal much more effectively if you get more sleep. Most people require 7-8 hours of sleep each night to be at their best. 5. Time: How are you spending your time each day? Are you wasting time on mere distractions or trivial pursuits? When you’re using your time to chase after your goals, are you choosing the most effective actions or the easiest? ● Track how you spend your time each day and see what you discover. 6. Home: Are you living in the right city, neighborhood, or home to best pursue your goals? For example, it would be very difficult to become the world’s greatest skier while living in Illinois. Where do you need to be to maximize the odds of your success? ● Should you be living in the city or the country?● East coast or West?● Condo or farm?● Near the mountains or the ocean?● Alone or with others? 7. Career: Are you making enough money to pursue your goals? Is your career helping or hurting your efforts? ● For example, if you need to be free during the day to pursue your goals, then an evening job makes more sense than a day job. ● If your current job or career path doesn’t support the life you want, research one that will and make plans to pursue that path. Big goals require the coordination of every aspect of your life. If you want to run a 10K, you can work that around your current schedule. If you want to become a billionaire, it’s going to take more than that. How big are your goals? How serious are you about achieving them? Are you ready to arrange your life to support your goals? You can get started today!
6 LITTLE KNOWN WAYS TO BEAT ANXIETY FROM REMOTE WORKING Working from home has a lot of advantages: no dress code, no in-person monitoring, no commuting time, and the flexibility to work wherever you want. Working remotely, on the other hand, might come with its own set of difficulties. Here are 6 little known ways to beat your anxiety issues while working remotely like a boss… Stick To A Routine Creating a routine can help you manage your time and focus better on your work, whether you choose your own schedule or have specified hours that you must work. Follow this simple routine: Create a morning ritual that includes taking a walk before you start working, stretching for a few minutes, and/or having a cup of coffee or tea. Setting an alarm for the morningat the same time every day can help you prepare for the day ahead. Depending on how much time you need to warm up in the morning, you may choose to wake up at a different time. Having lunch at the same time every day can provide you with a much-needed break and allow you to recharge before returning to work. Make sure you unplug completely during your lunch break so you can enjoy it. Take some time to move around your house, going outside for a quick walk, or stretching during your breaks. Spend some time outside if the weather permits, try to get outside and breathe some fresh air. This can help you re-energize. While you’re outside, you might want to try a breathing exercise. If you have the ability to decide which projects or tasks to complete, consider doing the most difficult ones first to reduce potentially feeling overwhelmed later on in the day. Make use of technology if you want a little extra boost when it comes to time tracking and organization. Consider using time management apps. Setup A Workspace Even if it’s tempting to work from bed, strive to set up a distinct workplace where you can focus entirely on your work. Even if you’re only using a small portion of your home for business, setting defined work and home boundaries might assist you mentally transition from home to work. It may also assist you in leaving your work “at the office” at the end of the day. Avoid Any Distractions When you’re ready to start working, make sure your phone is turned off and all non-work-related computer notifications are turned off. You might also explore listening to soothing music or using noise-cancelling headphones while working, if it’s safe to do so in your situation. Phone A Friend If you’re working from home and feel lonely, it’s critical to make an effort to connect with like-minded people. Set a regular time to video chat or call each other, and put it in your calendar as a reminder, because everyone’s schedules are different. You can also form a group chat to communicate with one another throughout the week. Learn To Say No, Albeit Politely During your working hours, you may be bombarded with requests that are unrelated to your job. Saying no to others and prioritising your needs over theirs can be quite tough for some people. It’s absolutely OK to decline someone else’s request if it interferes with your capacity to complete your work. Setting suitable boundaries can help you avoid taking on too much while also giving you the freedom to choose what you want to do with your free time. Catch Your 40 Winks Sleep quality has a direct impact on your general well-being, including your capacity to work efficiently from home. Using screens late at night, despite how enticing it may be, can disrupt your sleep habits and make it harder to fall asleep. Make sleep hygiene a priority and prioritise unwinding at night.
Ways to Be Super Resourceful Remote Worker
Ways to Be Super Resourceful Remote Worker Whether in the traditional office or the home office, an employee would never like anything to affect their productivity. Even as a remote worker, an employee would want to be at their best but there’s a different approach that they would have to take for this. Considering the current global crisis and mass shutdowns around the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more critical that people are able to work from home and maintain their effectiveness and productivity. It is a misconception that effective remote working is all about good time management. There are several other changes required to your daily routine in order to make this successful. Well, this is exactly what we are here to help you with today. Today we are going to a few tips that can help you become a resourceful and productive remote worker. 1. Don’tTry To Follow Your Office RoutineYes, you have worked in a formal office environment, and it was great to be amongst colleagues who were working there and to interact with them regularly and on a face to face basis. There was also a sense of guided peer-based motivation as everyone within the office was constantly busy striving to achieve maximum productivity in a collective environment. The typical office routine does not apply in the remote working environment and it requires you to forget about your old office habits and change your daily routine. Remote working is more flexible, and you should let it work for you by starting your day whenever you are best able to. You can easily shuffle your work schedule and you can have lunch any time of the day whenever you feel hungry.Although good discipline is an important consideration with remote working, it shouldn’t have to be as strict as it was in your traditional office routine. 2. Go With The FlowWant to boost your productivity at work? If yes, then, as said earlier, don’t restrict yourself and don’t try following your office routine. Instead, go with the flow and follow your body’s natural rhythm. We have seen people who are the most active and productive right after they wake up in the morning. On the other hand, we have seen people who are lethargic and cranky during the morning. The point is that it varies from person to person, so if you feel like starting to work at 10 am in the morning, you should start then, but not before then. 3. Set GoalsThe one thing that doesn’t change is the importance of “setting goals.” You have to set goals in your office, and you have to set goals when working from a remote location. Nothing changes! Goal setting is the answer to your question about “how to stay motivated?”. When you know you must fulfill a specific goal, you’d find yourself sufficiently motivated to achieve it and will manage your time accordingly. 4. Separate Your Work Life From Your Personal LifeYour professional life needs to be separate from your personal life. If not so or you may find yourself facing some challenging issues. Think about it? Is it right to stop and go for lunch while you in the middle of somework task? Or can you look after your 2-year-old and manage your work both at the same time? Well, of course not, and this is what workers working from remote locations need to understand. If it’s too hard for you to separate your personal life from your professional life, then its best to try to decide on your work hours and stick to them as closely as possible. For example, if you have to work 5 hours a day, make sure to decide the time when you’ll start and isolate yourself (especially from your family) during those hours. Once you are done with those 5 hours, you can then have all the fun you want to have with your family. 5. Be SocialOne of the biggest issues with remote working is that your social network shrinks. The goal of an efficient remote worker here is to maintain that pace of growing your social network even when youareworking from home. You will be required to connect with people online if you aren’t working in a shared space, so this could be the means by which your social network can grow while achieving a balanced remote working effectiveness. 6. Limit distractions.When you work remotely, it can be a huge challenge to focus on your work, and this is probably the only reason why people opt for a shared working space. But here we are talking about you improving your skills as a worker who is working from his home office. In this case, you don’t have a choice, which is why you need to limit your distractions. The best way to concentrate on your work is to isolate yourself, especially when you are working. Choose a separate spot in your house where you can just work without any noise or any other kind of disturbance. These are some of the best ways to become a super resourceful remote worker. None of these tips are difficult to follow; it’s just about bringing discipline in your life and your work routine. Now without waiting to complicate this any further, start by choosing a spot to work in your house and then start a routine that you can follow and is practical for your personal circumstances. We assure you that with these tips, there won’t be anything to worry about, and within no time, you will see a massive change in yourself professionally.
To Become a More Successful Person…
Top Mindfulness Apps trending 2020 Mindfulness is a verified and useful method for managing anxiety and daily stress. Mindfulness is effective for the good health of both mind and body. It has the power to relax our minds and create a state of calmness and peace within ourselves. We are living in a digital age. This option to meditate is now available on our mobiles and tablets in the form of many amazing and useful mindfulness apps. One just need to download them and practice mindfulness anytime and anywhere. These apps can help in improving the overall quality of life by bringing peace of mind to our life. Here is a list of top trending and useful apps of 2020 for practicing mindfulness easily at any time. HeadSpace App If you are struggling with anxiety and want to relax, but you don’t have time to join any proper yoga class, then the HeadSpace app is the best option for you. Headspace through ten sessions educates and provides you complete guidance on your well-being. It has courses related to various topics and just like a multiple learning level class. Before purchasing it, if offered a free trial to get familiar with the app and to test the app. For advanced meditation, pro packs are available. It has various options as compared to the other apps. The “Everyday” option of the app is adjustable. There is no such option in other apps Pros The organization is very simple Both experts and beginners can use this app The versatile app, due to a lot of options Sessions with variable durations. Cons The British accent of the narrator is sometimes not clear for users The trial period is very limited Available It is available at the App Store, Play store and on its official website. The price information is not clear. Calm App It is another useful app to gain peace of mind. It provides you sessions of ten minutes to relieve your stress, but you can increase the time as well. There are a lot of options there to select, including bubble visualization for a practice breathing exercise. You can easily use this app offline also to save your internet data. Pros It has calming music tracks to provide more relaxation. Sleep time stories with a very sweet voice for relaxing your mind before sleep. You can choose your breath counts through bubble visualization. Cons Some users reported the disruption of the session by the narrator. Lack of a clear meditation course. Availability It is available at the App Store, Play store and on its official website. The Mindfulness App Mindfulness app is an excellent app for practicing meditation and relaxation with well-guided programs with different time durations. Even a 21-day program for daily practice and timers allows you to focus on breathing rhythm. Various courses are available in the library to enhance your physical wellness and even improving your immune system. Pros Different meditation levels are available to everyone. Best deep breathing exercises for relaxation of mind. Excellent features such as timers and reminders to stay focused. Cons The structure of the app is a complex and little bit confusing for users. Price You have to pay $59.99 for subscription annually, or you can choose a monthly subscription of $9.99 Availability It is available at the App Store, Play store and on its official website. 10% Happier App The name of the app suggests that it will train you to get happiness. It helps you to bring improvement in your health, relationships, and work. Happiness is a skill, and people can learn to become happy from meditating. Pros You can interact with the teacher anytime. Unique chart feature, among all meditation apps. Expert advice for meditation anytime Cons Founder talks a lot about himself rather than guiding you. Price Monthly subscription charges are $7.99 Availability Available at the App Store, Play store and on its official website. Buddify App It’s a colorful disc having different segments related to different classes on a variety of topics. You can add and remove classes to avoid any confusion. It is a good app to meditate. Pros The overall Graphic design is very attractive Mindfulness exercises that you can use in different situations Cost is very reasonable Cons No disturbance from a continuous guiding voice. Price and Availability $5 monthly subscription, which can also change in the coming days, and it is available in the App Store, Play store. Mindfulness is important to live a happy life. We all must save some time to practice some meditation to relax our mind from daily tensions.
Your Attitude Counts More than Your Aptitude
Your Attitude Counts More than Your Aptitude A lot of people have tricked themselves into thinking that for them to make any kind of fundamental positive change in their lives, they have to learn certain things. For example, if you are struggling with finances and you don’t have a college degree, it’s very easy for you to say to yourself, “Well, the only way I can really get a leg up in my career is to get that four-year degree. Since I’m too old and I already have kids or you have a long laundry list of other reasons, you just basically say to yourself, “Well, I’m screwed. That’s not an option. The college degree is unattainable so here I am, I’m stuck forever.” What you’re looking at is not reality. It’s your take on reality. Believe it or not, there is a difference. Your analysis of reality is not reality itself. Your analysis of reality really is just a reflection of your attitude. If you think that aptitude is the way forward to all of life, you’re wrong. In most cases, employers are more likely to take chances on people with the right attitude than the ones with all the qualifications. These people may seem perfect on paper but if their attitude is wrong, then it’s like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I’m sure it’s possible after enough pushing but it’s not all that efficient. It may also be planting the seeds for future destruction. Most people would simply not do it. This is why it really boils down to attitude. If you have the right attitude, don’t worry about not having the technical know-how. That will come. You will find a way. The key is do you believe in yourself enough to want to find the way? If you think that everything has been closed off to you and you are essentially just a very limited person because other people have it in for you and are conspiring against you, I believe me, it doesn’t really matter what your aptitude is. You might even be the smartest person in the room but if you have that attitude of persecution and you feel that possibilities are always closed off, you will always remain stuck. On the other hand, if you know that you don’t know certain things but you have the right attitude, you will make things happen. Maybe you would take night classes. Perhaps you would take online classes. Possibly, you would partner up with another person to get into some sort of semi-formal or informal apprenticeship. There are many ways to skin a cat, so to speak. It all boils down to your willingness to even try. The problem with rigid or negative attitudes is that you basically end up robbing yourself of possibilities. You basically tell yourself, “Well, there’s only one way to achieve a certain outcome. Since that path is somehow some way off-limits to me, then this means I have no hope.” Who told you that’s the only way forward? When you look at the careers of a lot of successful people on the planet, it turns out that a lot of them started out as janitors. A lot of them were illiterate. A lot of them were poor. A lot of them were immigrants with not even a penny to their name. Attitude counts more than aptitude. If you allow yourself to believe that you can achieve, then anxiety and constantly feeling that the best things in life have already been taken or that there all these barriers arrayed against you, things become wide open. You start seeing the possibilities. The opportunities become manifested and, before you know it, the way forward presents itself. You find yourself at the right place with the right people at the right time doing the right things. To see how this all works out and how this all leads from the power of belief and mindset, click here.