I am Worthy of My Dreams I have big dreams and I expect to achieve these dreams. I have earned the right to expect great things to happen in my life. If I do my part, I know I can achieve my goals and expectations. I deserve for good things to happen in my life. I am considerate of others and treat everyone with the respect they deserve. I am a loving friend and family member. I have the best interests of others at heart. I do the work each day necessary to deserve success. I work hard and with focus. I am clear on what I desire and do the work required to make my dreams a reality. I have big goals and expectations that are congruent with my abilities. I review my goals regularly and allow myself to get excited at the prospect of achieving them. I have detailed goals and plans to make them happen. I am deserving. My strengths and skills are sufficient to achieve my dreams. I am motivated and capable. I am worthy of my dreams. Today, I remind myself of why my dreams are appropriate for the person I am becoming each day. I have the confidence needed to be successful in the pursuit of my goals. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. What are my biggest goals and my plans to achieve them?2. Am I willing to do the work required to be successful in achieving my goals?3. What steps do I take each day to make my dreams a reality?
Why Happiness is So Important
Why Happiness is So Important Happiness has more importance than just feeling good. Happiness is also important to your health, longevity, success, and relationships. The importance of happiness is often discounted in a culture obsessed with material success, but it’s hard to purchase something that will make you happy in the long-term. Your happiness isn’t just important to you. It’s also important to your friends, family, and your employer. Consider these ideas: 1. Happy people are healthier: Happier people get sick less frequently and less severely on the average. Happy people visit the hospital less frequently. A bad mood is bad for your immune system, too. ● Happy people are less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. Your physical and mental health are at greater risk when you’re not happy. ● Healthcare is very expensive. Happiness can be a great way to save a lot of money. 2. Happy people live longer: Several studies suggest that the happiest people live up to 10 years longer than those that are the least happy. Also, since happy people are healthier, they also tend to live longer, too. Happiness can do more to boost your lifespan than just about anything else. It’s free, too. 3. Happy people are more resistant to stress: Unhappy people are more easily overwhelmed when stressed. Happy people are better able to handle stress, and the effect that stress has on them is decreased. Being happy makes you more capable. 4. Happy people are more successful: It’s worth asking if successful people are successful because they’re happy. Or are they happy because they’re successful? It’s likely a little of both. Happy people are more productive, have better relationships, and handle stress better. 5. Happy people enjoy stronger relationships: Would you rather be around someone that was happy most of the time or someone that was not? Being happy can boost all of your relationships, including those with your partner, family, friends, and coworkers. ● Think about the happiest people you know. They tend to have great friendships and intimate relationships. They are close to their families, too. ● Unhappy people are often alone and have challenging relationships when they do have people in their lives. 6. Happy people get more done: Happy people are more productive and are better employees. Think about how much better you take care of your home when you’re happy versus those times you’re unhappy. If you have an open position at work, consider happiness as a factor when hiring. 7. Happy people have more friends: Of course, they have more friends. Happy people attract others. We enjoy being around people that are in a positive emotional state. We avoid those that aren’t. If you want to have more plans on the weekend, be happier! 8. Happy people are more creative: A happy mind is more open to new ideas and concepts. A happy person is more likely to have a useful creative idea than someone that is unhappy. ● If you’re struggling to find a solution to a problem, put yourself in a happy state first. You’ll be much more likely to find the answer you need. We often postpone happiness for a later date. We decide that we’ll be happy after we finish school, buy a house, save a certain amount of money, or find the person of our dreams. This is a mistake. Being unhappy harms yourself and everyone else in your life. Do yourself and everyone else in your life a huge favor and make your happiness a priority!
How to Turn a Bad Day Into an Amazing Day
How to Turn a Bad Day Into an Amazing Day Have you ever had a bad day and decided to throw in the towel? A bad day can make you feel like giving up and waiting for tomorrow to come. However, a bad day can be saved. You really don’t get that many days over the course of a lifetime, so make the most of each day. With some effort and a little mental toughness, a bad day can be turned into a good day. Learn to make a good day out of a bad day with these strategies: 1. Relax: Sure, your day is off to a terrible start, but it’s not over just yet. The first step is to take a deep breath and relax. Slow down your heart rate, think a few positive thoughts, and regain your composure. Put yourself in the right frame of mind to salvage the remainder of the day. 2. Accomplish something: Get one little thing accomplished that you can check off your list. If you’re at home, make your bed or clean the kitchen counters. If you’re at work, send that email you’ve been avoiding. Give yourself a small success and a little momentum. 3. Call a friend: Call a friend and share your bad day. You want to call someone that will be encouraging. Avoid calling someone that will do more harm than good. 4. Make a plan for the remainder of the day: If you want to salvage the day, you need a plan. Look at the time you have left in the day and decide what’s most important to accomplish. Make a reasonable plan to get the most important things completed before the day is over. 5. Be grateful: Gratitude can reset your attitude. When you feel grateful, you have a better perspective and can be more productive. You feel less hopeless when you experience gratitude. 6. Get some exercise: A bad day can create a lot of negative emotions. Those emotions create a lot of energy that needs to be burned off. Exercise is a great way to move toward feeling normal again. You can make wiser decisions when you’re less emotionally stimulated. 7. Be proud of yourself for turning your day around: Allow yourself to feel proud as soon as you make even a tiny bit of progress. This will provide a well-needed boost to your mood, self-esteem, and progress. 8. Determine how you contributed to having a bad day: Some bad days are just random events, but others are not. Consider the origin of your bad day and brainstorm ways of preventing a repeat occurrence. Not all bad days can be prevented, but many can. 9. Make a plan for tomorrow: Choose to make the most of tomorrow. You might have some catching up to do. Or, you might need to plan a night on the town with a few friends. Make up for having a bad day by having a magnificent day. 10. Get a good night of sleep: You survived! Do your best to recharge your batteries and prepare for tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much better. You’ll certainly feel better after a good night of rest. Bad days will happen, but you don’t have to give up and pray for tomorrow to arrive. You can turn your bad day around and have a great day. If your day is off to a bad start, be determined to still get as much from that day as you can. This is a valuable skill for anyone to master. Clear your head, relax, and make a plan for the rest of your day. For more help contact a Life Coach.
7 Ways to Arrange Your Life to Support Your Goals
7 Ways to Arrange Your Life to Support Your Goals If you have huge goals, working on them here and there whenever it’s convenient will delay ever reaching those goals. If you arrange your life in such a way that supports those goals, however, all aspects of your life will be working together – complementing each other – with the realization of your goals as the result! Yes, arranging your life around your goals helps you create the exact life you want! Use these strategies to make it happen: 1. Define your goals. Know your goals. This is always the first step. Success isn’t an accident. It requires a vision and intention. ● Clarify exactly what you want to happen, in such a detailed way that you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel all aspects of that life. 2. People. Are the people in your life supportive of your goals? You have a choice to make. You can spend time with others that make you more likely to be able to live your purpose, or you can spend your time with those that make it less likely for you to live the life you truly want. ● Are there others you need to connect with in order to achieve your goals? Maybe it would help to have a banker or two in your life. Maybe a coach or a marketing expert would spur you on. Invite new people into your circle that will support your goals. ● You can only spend time with a certain number of people. As they say, you become like the people you spend the most time with. Are you spending time with the right people? 3. Diet. If you want to run a marathon, that’s a different diet than someone that wants to win a bodybuilding contest. Do you need a lot of energy, or do you need a lot of focus? What type of diet allows you to do your best work? ● Experiment with several diets and pay attention to how they impact you physically and mentally. 4. Sleep. What is the optimal amount of sleep for you? You might find that you can pursue your goal much more effectively if you get more sleep. Most people require 7-8 hours of sleep each night to be at their best. 5. Time. How are you spending your time each day? Are you wasting time on mere distractions or trivial pursuits? When you’re using your time to chase after your goals, are you choosing the most effective actions or the easiest? ● Track how you spend your time each day and see what you discover. 6. Home. Are you living in the right city, neighborhood, or home to best pursue your goals? For example, it would be very difficult to become the world’s greatest skier while living in Illinois. Where do you need to be to maximize the odds of your success? ● Should you be living in the city or the country?● East coast or West?● Condo or farm?● Near the mountains or the ocean?● Alone or with others? 7. Career. Are you making enough money to pursue your goals? Is your career helping or hurting your efforts? ● For example, if you need to be free during the day to pursue your goals, then an evening job makes more sense than a day job. ● If your current job or career path doesn’t support the life you want, research one that will and make plans to pursue that path. Big goals require the coordination of every aspect of your life. If you want to run a 10K, you can work that around your current schedule. If you want to become a billionaire, it’s going to take more than that. How big are your goals? How serious are you about achieving them? Are you ready to arrange your life to support your goals? You can get started today!
How to stay positive and find joy in 2022, according to a life coach?
How to stay positive and find joy in 2022, according to a life coach? Do you remember the elderly pushing you towards having a positive mindset no matter the situation? Do you recall your parents telling you to calm down and think about the good to happen when the situation told a contradictory story? All this was not because your thinking could reverse a specific situation. The act of thinking about the positive outcomes is often termed as positivity in a common man’s language. Look around and you can find a multitude of information in various books on positivity. “There are darkness in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.”- Bram Stoker mentioned this very motivational and positive quote in his book called Dracula. Holding onto a positive mindset at times distress could be seen difficult and unpleasant. Pertaining to arduous situations thinking about being positive shall usher our way to irritability, let alone practicing the concept. The ongoing pandemic has brought together the things we usually did not talk about such as positivity. Since the beginning of the pandemic, since the populace got a lot of time in their hands, various previously untouched issues took a stance under the limelight. Social media is another reason why people have been able to talk endlessly about positivity, positive affirmations, body positivity, and the list goes on. Talking positively about our lives, our bodies, and routine activities of life can impact our lives to a great extent. Is positivity a real game-changer? A mindset transformation coach who has read multiple books throughout his life asserts that holding a positive attitude towards life can transform lives. Even Psychology has a separate section to talk about positivity. Viewing the significance of the topic, it was time the corporate life coach spoke about it. One of the customary therapy techniques used by psychologists all around the globe, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is based on reframing negative thoughts and beliefs into positive ones. Cliff adds, “The aim is to attempt to perceive a circumstance or incident that is bothering us with a much more positive and thankful lens.” “Rather than saying ‘I ought to work from home,’ you can say ‘I get to work from home,’ which instantly renders it seem more appealing.” These days, you can find corporate life coaches specializing in ways to infuse positivity into your lives. These coaches are called positivity coaches too as they eventually help you lead a life full of satisfaction and positivity. These concepts from around the globe fill up the void of doubt. Some scientific studies have turned in their reports stating the importance of positivity. Take for instance a study stretched for over 30 years that states that negative thinking can alter the immune response of the body. On the other hand, the immune system is boosted if the mind stays positive for most of the time. Positivity mantras to adopt in 2022- according to life coach Life coaches who devoted their lives to getting equipped with the right kind of knowledge today believe that positivity shall be a way of life and not merely a part of it. Here are some mantras you can swear by in 2022 to make this year and your life aesthetically positive: #1 Invest in experiences more than commodities Instead of a huge cake that would rather find its place in the basin towards the end of the party, invest in a present that you love. Don’t be afraid to give yourself as it is part of self-care. Be it a present or a positive affirmation, you can offer yourself all sorts of happiness. Investing in experiences that mean the world to you is a thousand times better than putting your savings into buying a piece of decor that would lie around some corner in the house. #2 Be grateful “Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart but not to burst; it warms it, but not to fever.”-Charlotte Bronte. A mindset transformation life coach implies enough towards maintaining an attitude of gratitude towards life and its components. Each day one can find reasons to be grateful. Saying thanks to the unknown makes your heart big enough. Positivity is poured into a heart that is thankful to the one who sews the seed of the fruit it enjoyed. #3 Pro-social behaviour “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness.”-Martin Luther King. Helping others in times of need is what keeps the light of hope in us alive when we are in need. The more you help, the more you gain positivity towards life and out of difficult situations. Takeaway Joyce Meyer affirms conspicuously in her statement- “You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” Holding onto positive thoughts and behavior an individual unfolds a beautiful path for himself. Your life does not necessarily be all petals and fragrances, so it’s all good until you are ready to change things positively.
5 Easy Ways to Create Joy Today
5 Easy Ways to Create Joy Today Joy doesn’t have to be hard to manifest in your life. You can create it by making a conscious effort to have more happiness. Joy is an important mindset. It’s not just about what happens to you. Your reactions to events, circumstances, people, and situations are part of it. Joy may feel impermanent or fickle, but you can attract it and make it more stable.Create more joy in your life: 1. Make a change: Whether you’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano or take a professional cooking class, you can make changes in your life that lead to joy. • Avoid allowing fear to stop you from making changes. • Joy tends to be on the other side of fear. Can you imagine how you’ll feel when you finally take the class you’ve always wanted? Can you imagine how you’ll feel when you switch careers to something you love? • The change doesn’t have to be huge. You can take small steps toward your dreams. • Realize that your happiness depends on you. You can’t expect your life to get better by doing nothing every day. So make a change to take you in the direction you wish to go. 2. Learn gratitude: It’s easy to focus on the day-to-day stress and lose sight of the simple things that you’re thankful for. • Make a list or keep a journal of all the good things in your life. Review it each day. This will help you find peace and joy on a daily basis. You’ll see that your life isn’t made up of just negative moments. • Your gratitude list can include ordinary things such as having a home, a bed, or a breakfast every morning. The key is to focus on the areas of your life that make you feel happy. 3. Make a happy board: Similar to a vision board, a happy board is filled with things that make you happy – right now – rather than goals that you’re working toward. • For example, if the beach is one of your favorite places, fill your happy board with images of beaches. • You can make it on paper or design it online. • The key is to use the space to add things that bring joy to your life. This can act as a manifesting agent and help you get more of the things you love. 4. Stop the flaw focus: One of the things that hurts your ability to have more joy is a focus on your flaws. • This applies to both internal and external influences. If others are concentrating on your flaws, then it’s time to move on and find new friends. Likewise, if you’re paying too much attention to your own flaws, then it’s time to change your mindset. • Practice love and acceptance each day. Recognize your flaws without focusing on them. 5. Forgive yourself: You can’t experience happiness if you’re constantly blaming yourself and making yourself feel awful. It’s important to learn how to forgive yourself to have joy. • Learn to let go of the guilt and shame that has built up in your life. Negative situations come up for everyone. Consciously avoid dwelling on them. • Practice forgiveness and stifle your inner critic for good. View forgiveness as a way to use self-care on a daily basis. Joy doesn’t have to be a fleeting moment you feel on occasion. Let joy be a bigger part of your daily existence. Use these strategies and enjoy your life.
WHAT I LEARNED FROM LOVING THE WRONG PERSON In the past, I used to think that getting into a relationship meant spending time with someone who is going to take care of you and love you unconditionally. Unfortunately, this is not always, how long-term relationships turn out. Sometimes, we choose wrong for ourselves and despite our efforts, things just do not work out as expected. I had been in love with someone else. Everything seemed perfect. There was this magical feeling and connection, which I never felt before so I was convinced that we were meant to be together forever and I could finally find happiness. As time goes by, reality started to sink in and the truth so did the feelings of shame and disappointment. I realize that I made mistakes and because of that, things just did not work out as expected. What attracted me to him at first was his kindness and how selfless he was but then slowly these traits degraded into his abuse of power and controlling nature. He would get mad because I didn’t want to go out clubbing every night or if I wanted my own thoughts on something about our relationship rather than have his way all the time. He had an addiction to drugs and alcohol, which only intensified the chaos inside his head. I loved him with all my heart, but it just was not enough.I tried so hard to please him that eventually he started seeing me as his personal assistant rather than his girlfriend, always demanding things for him at any hour of the day. He’d get mad if I didn’t answer his texts immediately upon waking up, only to tell me that he was “just kidding” yet hours pass and he won’t mention it again. Tired of this endless routine of asking for forgiveness every time he mistreated me, I called it quits. How Loving the Wrong Person Can be good: What I Learned At one point in our lives, we all make mistakes. And the first mistake many of us make is trusting someone who ultimately does not deserve it. We invest time and love into this relationship but for some reason it does not work out the way, we envisioned it to be. This might seem like a mistake on your part, but if you are able to reflect back on these negative experiences with the intent of learning from them, it could actually be for the best. Here is why: Your past relationships teach you about your personal needs and boundaries in a relationship. You will learn what you want and do not want in a partner and how things must or must not be done. Without going through the process of loving the wrong person, you will never truly know what realistic expectations to have in a relationship. Your past relationships can help you set better standards for your next one. Having this experience makes it easier to recognize red flags and harmful behavior patterns, which ultimately helps you find someone who truly deserves your love and adoration. You might not know what you’re looking for but you’ll probably know when you see it. The Pain of Love: The Power and Pain of Narcissistic Relationships What comes to mind when you think about the phrase ‘the pain of love’? Is it something that you would want to experience? Perhaps not, but have you ever thought about how love can be a good thing sometimes even if it is painful? Something that I tend to notice among friends during tough or hard times is how they use love as a source of inspiration. They say things like “I couldn’t imagine my life without him/her.”, or “I just need to keep on loving him/her.” This made me think about the idea that maybe some experiences are so painful that they can be positive for you in some way-and that might just be what love is. The pain of love can come in many forms in terms of relationships, but the main idea I have noticed in my own life in regards to this subject is how it seems to manifest when someone you are close to or intimate with starts to become emotionally abusive during a fight. This type of abuse can come in many forms, but it often feels like your partner is purposely pushing those emotional buttons because he/she wants to cause you pain. In a way, this can be something that happens with anyone-but perhaps what separates these types of relationships from the rest is how they are able to affect you as an individual after the fact. Why Loving the Wrong Person is Sometimes a Better Option. Loving the Right Person There are many reasons why you might love the wrong person. But there is a benefit to doing so if it means that you can learn from this painful experience. In fact, one of the biggest benefits of loving the wrong person is that you finally get to see how someone treats you when they’re not in a relationship with you. When you’re in love, it is easy to ignore the flaws of your partner. They might be emotionally unavailable. Their behavior or choices might not be healthy for you or for them. Their actions may not always align with their words. Your loving relationship might consume a lot of your time and energy that should instead be spent on other things that are important to you. But it is only when you are not in love anymore that these problems become glaringly obvious-and sometimes that can be much more helpful than if they were previously apparent to you. Since learning about the flaws of someone who isn’t right for you might help prepare you for what’s to come, this also means that loving the wrong person might help you to see red flags with someone else. How Loving the Wrong Person Can be good: What I Learned At
Set Yourself Free How Forgiveness Can Change Your Life
Set Yourself Free How Forgiveness Can Change Your Life To forgive and forget sounds like a simple premise, but in practice, it can be one of the most difficult things in the world. We know, deep down within us, that by forgiving others (or ourselves!) we can move forward with our lives without hate in our hearts. It makes us lighter and more accepting of love and happiness. Now, I’m a huge advocate of forgiveness, it really can change the way you live your life. But I will never forget. By forgetting, you open yourself up to being walked all over in the future. Forgiveness is as much for us as the other person. You can, and should, forgive the people in your life that have hurt you, but you should never forget.We all reach a point in our lives where we realise the true impact that forgiveness can have upon our well-being. By letting go of the dark cloud within us, we are able to truly live our lives the way we wish to. You forgive for yourself, not the person who has wronged you. This is my story of battling with forgiveness… I got married when I was 28 years old. I was in love with my husband and followed him around the world, wherever his work took him. Our life was fabulous. We had two beautiful girls and eventually settled down in the UK. We were surrounded by friends, I was the mother I’d always wanted to be, and I truly thought that life had worked out for me. Fast forward a couple of years and I found out that my husband was cheating on me with one of my friends. Of course, my world shattered. I was so angry with him for what he’d done to our family. But I was also angry with myself for not noticing the red flags sooner. When you are hurt, we human beings have a tendency to look inwards and blame ourselves. I now know that I am not to blame for my ex-husband’s actions. It took a long time for me to recover. The anger and betrayal caused me to turn to drink. One day I looked at myself and was unhappy with what I’d become. I was miserable and irritable and getting into unhealthy habits. Something had to change. I had to forgive him and move on. I learned that forgiving him didn’t mean I had to forget what he’d done to me. But for my own sake, and the sake of our children, we had to move on and be friendly with one another. When I came to this realization, I immediately felt lighter. I started looking towards the future instead of dwelling on the past. I became happier than I had been in a long time. It’s never too late to forgive… Forgiveness is something very personal to us. It is an intrinsic process and often requires us to gain some perspective and insight into ourselves. The process of forgiveness means that we are able to think of whatever happened without it causing us negative implications. Not carrying a grudge is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. It doesn’t mean that you become a doormat, it means you become a happier and healthier person. Remember, forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. “Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting.”– William Arthur Ward
Does Strong Chemistry Equal a Strong Relationship?
Does Strong Chemistry Equal a Strong Relationship? Each relationship we find ourselves entangled in is different. As it should be. Every person on the planet is different. That’s what makes being a human so interesting, and dating so complicated. One relationship might be fiery and oh so full of chemistry, but it lacks in other areas. The person might not be caring, or friendly, or funny, or intelligent, or whatever else you value in a prospective partner. So, I’m going to say this now, right at the beginning of this blog post, chemistry is not everything. Let me repeat that for those in the back, CHEMISTRY IS NOT EVERYTHING. And here’s why… My own experience of a chemistry-only relationship… The Italian. You know the kind of guy I’m talking about. Tall, dark, and so handsome. Not only that, but he was funny and intelligent too. He certainly kept me coming back for more. I was so infatuated with him, bordering on obsessed. The chemistry was off the wall, and I’d never felt that way before. I was drawn to him in a way that I didn’t think was possible. It was one of those fiery on-off relationships, and it lasted around a year and a half. So, what ended it? I wanted a commitment. I’d fallen head over heels for this guy, and, as it would transpire, he wasn’t ready to settle down. It’s entirely his right to feel that way, of course. But I had no idea that was how he felt. I thought he was as into me as I was into him. That was the chemistry clouding my judgement. The chemistry was just too infatuating, that I didn’t notice the areas in which he was lacking. Things that would have become apparent further down the line, as the chemistry begins to fade. Chemistry covered up a whole host of disappointment. Once I’d learned of The Italian’s reluctance to commit, I began to see the relationship more objectively. I had taken care of his every whim, but he hadn’t done the same for me. He wasn’t particularly compassionate or thoughtful, but his charm had hidden that. The more I thought about it, he was a terrible flirt and would often speak to other women. Did I want to spend the rest of my life with somebody like this; a person who I wanted to be around constantly, who was charming and electrifying, but wasn’t a terribly decent person? The obvious answer is no. In any relationship, there should be balance… Chemistry is important, don’t get me wrong. But it’s not the be-all and end-all. A relationship can’t survive solely on chemistry, there has to be something more. There has to be an emotional attachment too. You have to feel safe and taken care of. You deserve a relationship where there is mutual trust, intimacy, and a willingness to meet the other’s needs. It is up to you what you value the most in a relationship and finding a person who ticks those boxes is certainly within reach, if only you know what you’re looking for. If you also want to keep your relationship strong and finding a Life Coach who can help you out in it. Please visit https://navigatelifecoach.com/ and send your query.
The Joy of Kindness and Why Sometimes It Can be Hard
The Joy of Kindness and Why Sometimes It Can be Hard We all have a lot going on in our lives. Competing and coping, we deal with direct and indirect stresses every day. Sometimes it may feel that kindness has been pushed to one side. But in reality, it never goes away. It is there in unexpected and abstract ways. All you have to do is look back and give it a thought. Start right now. Look back and think about the last time someone was kind to you. I am sure you will find countless experiences when you were feeling low or distressed and someone’s small act of kindness changed your day! For instance, there are times when you are getting late and someone gladly offers to share his taxi with you. Or maybe you are lost and someone just stops his car to help you find your way. It often happens in foreign countries that people help you understand the street signs and boards in different languages. Family and friends are always ready to lend a helping hand when you might be short of finances. From a warm greeting to just a smiling face, it does not matter how big or small the gesture is, these random acts of kindness are sure to bring unexpected joy to you.Kindness has the power to make you happy. It provides you the relaxation and soothing effect one needs to reduce the stress and anxiety of daily life. But the process is never one way. It is always reciprocal. If you smile at someone they will smile back. The feeling of joy, in essence, is a feeling of connection with another being. It makes you feel good about yourself as well. We need to review our daily routine and see how many times we have been kind to someone and what feelings it has brought to us. The answer is joyful. However, with all the emotional and wellness benefits it has, as human beings we may sometimes feel a little hard to be kind. Why? Here are some reasons. 1. You Can Only Give What You Have If you are not kind at heart, how can you practice kindness to others? It is as simple as this. Many of us find it hard to be kind to the people around us because we lack the true spirit of helping others or making them feel happy. So, if we want to take full advantage of this wellness skill of kindness, then first need to inculcate this act inside of ourselves. 2. You Are Unable to Relate Yourself to Others In our busy daily schedules, we often remain isolated from the people around us. Understanding their feelings and problems is therefore not possible. This alienation restricts our ability to be kind to others. We need to connect with the people around us and relate ourselves to their circumstances. Only then we will be able to identify their needs and be kind to them. 3. Kindness Requires Practice and Patience Kindness is like any other skill. You may have it inside you, but you cannot master it until you practice it again and again. To reap the joy of acts of kindness, you need to remain patient and continue giving out to others with strong compassion and dedication.